Thursday, August 18, 2011

We've got spirit.....

....YES, we do!  We've got spirit, how 'bout YOU!?

Pinafore and Bloomers  ^

Brother/Sister Sets ^

Jumper A-line Dress ^

Peasant Dress

And if your team fabric is not available, we can always just go with the team colors in a variety of prints and designs!!


Contact me at to order!


Friday, August 12, 2011

A 'Passel' of Quilts

Oh, I know it's been awhile since my last post, but I have a real good excuse....

I've been mounting a HUGE quilt-making effort - 32 quilts in just a couple of days!

Hey! I've got pictures to prove it!!!

Actually, the quilts are only about 5" square but there's 32 of them!!!

They're for my Burden Bears.  I recently took an order for a hospice in Kansas with potential for a larger future order from associated programs, so I've been working hard putting these little cuties together.

I used a strip quilting technique, making 5 sets of 5 - 22" strips (1-1/2" wide) sewn together and then cut them crosswise in 1-1/2" pieces.  Then I chose one piece from each different strip cutting and sewed them together so each quilt will not have a repeating square.  Then, I just backed them in muslin and thankfully there's no quilting involved.

I then accordian the little quilt, tuck it in one of these little guys' arms and sew his little paw to his tummy, helping him hold onto his quilt.  Attach the Burden Bear poem and he's ready to give comfort!!

I'm working with a new bear which I like so much better than the ones I was using.  Their fur is very much like fuzzy suede and they are SOOOO cute!  I ordered a very large amount of these so I'm sure there's going to be plenty of miniature quilt-making in my near future!  These guys are also available in my Etsy shop here.

Nighty-night, little bear!!  You've got a big day tomorrow as you're headed to Kansas to cheer someone up!!

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