Been doing a lot of thinking lately....about lots of things....that's where the wondering comes in.
Have you ever noticed that button at the top of the blog screen that says "Next Blog >>"...?
Have you ever clicked on it?
I did. What determines what the 'next blog' is? They're definitely not in alphabetical order....hmmmm...I wonder....
Been doing plenty of sewing in preparation for craft shows.
We have one tomorrow in our hometown of Kershaw. It's called the Hog Jam.
I have lots of scraps of fleece and thought maybe I could put together a few dog toys and sell them for a buck apiece.
Who knows if they'll sell, but at least I can reassure myself that I tried to use my scraps for gain! That's right...if I sell them all, I'll be $13 richer.
Who knows if they'll sell, but at least I can reassure myself that I tried to use my scraps for gain! That's right...if I sell them all, I'll be $13 richer.
We've got another craft show next Saturday up in North Carolina and then the day after we'll be taking a road trip up to Virginia to stay with my brother and his family for a week while we install hardwood flooring in their house. We're really looking forward to it. My niece has expressed interest in sewing so I've been asked to consider a small sewing project for her to work on together when I get up there. Perhaps we'll work on a simple pillow and maybe graduate to pajama pants.
We are definitely enjoying the onset of Fall here in the South, but are expecting some Indian Summer this weekend. I didn't know what Indian Summer really was until my mother explained it to me just the other about feeling like a dummy.