Hello...I know I've been gone, like, forever, and I knew this would happen as the house project was drawing to a close. We have the closing set for April 7th and still many things to do.
If you look back at my last post you'll see the walls were still unpainted....Praise the Lord, we hired a painter!!! I was so glad, too, because I was having bouts of depression thinking of how I was going to get all that painting done....seriously! Anyway, this is what those same walls look like now:
Lovely, isn't it!! The dining room is the only room with a special color, the rest is a light shade of cream which contrasts nicely with the white gloss trim.
Next, Bill sanded floors....
while I installed all these...
It's amazing how we don't realize how many of these things go into a house...there were 92 of the outlet covers alone!!! I stopped counting when I got to the switchplate covers! I also installed my first dimmer switch and eyeball can lights!
YAY me!! :)
Looks good on the entertainment center, ya think?
Next, we applied polyurethane to the floors....I started by cutting in around the difficult areas
and Bill came along with the roller...
Now, isn't it REALLY lovely?
We're installing finish electrical and plumbing now and, to me, that's really the fun part! I enjoy electrical work! The plumbing is questionable at times.
In the midst of all this, I'm still trying to keep my head above water with orders of baby clothes, but I'm managing. I love it when my customers send me appreciation pics of things they've bought from my shop. Isn't this just the sweetest picture??
I was super excited to team up with a designer in New York that wants me to help create a line of clothing for them....wow! This is new territory for me and I'm excited but also a little nervous as I really don't know what to expect!
Spring has sprung here in the South and I have been taking pictures of some lovely things...I'll leave you with a shot from my back yard as the sun was rising...