As far as New Year's resolutions go, I haven't made any in several years.
This year I decided a resolution just might be in order. Of course, every year I vow to exercise more and eat healthier (and less) but this year something just popped into my head.
I guess it was the words my husband said to me over lunch one day -
..."you oughta make 2011 the year you conquer your fear of fruit."
History....I don't like fruit. I have never liked fruit. As long as I have been alive I have struggled with my dislike of fruit. Actually, I love all fruit flavors and even fruit juice, but it's the texture that prevents me from eating it. It's really rather stupid because I love almost any kind of vegetable out there and they all have similar textures and such, so why do I have such a tough time with fruit - so much that it literally gags me!?? My mother says it goes back to my early childhood when my dad didn't like fruit and didn't want to eat it, so naturally he didn't force me and he even told my mom not to feed it to me cuz it was 'yukky'. I don't know if that is the real reason, but that's what I hear. It's gotta be something mental, and I really wish I could get hypnotized or something to help me overcome this. I was browsing the web looking for tips and I ran across this page....I thought point #7 was absolutely hilarious!!!
"Take a piece of fruit with you to your doctor. Explain to him that you would like to eat it in his presence so that if you become ill, he's available instantly. Eat a small piece there. This breakthrough can not only help you cope with the fear but conquer it."
So, this year I decided to try eating more fruit on a weekly basis. I like a few fruits in certain form...bananas, apple pie, strawberry jam, raisins....that's about it. Oh yes ~ add tomatoes and avocados to that list, because they are fruits, ya know! I can't stand strawberries because of the seeds and the gushy-ness combined. The pulp in oranges gags me and grapes are hard to chew, too. I don't even like watermelon!!! BUT, I am determined to do my best to try many whole fruits over and over again until I can stomach them. I decided I would start by performing at least one fruit-eating-feat per weekday! Yes, they will be feats!!
So far, I am starting with yogurt. I love yogurt but have only been able to eat the custard style ones or just vanilla. I love Activia, so I have been eating strawberry and this week I have mixed berry.
Anyway, I would love to have your help in this. I'm in need of suggestions as to how I can work fruit into my diet tackling the fruit basket directly for me quite yet!
Any ideas, recipes, suggestions, etc...will all be welcome! Those of you who leave me a comment will have your name entered into a drawing for a giveaway of this lovely Fruit Basket apron handcrafted by yours truly!!
You can drop by my Etsy shop to see more pictures and I even have a few more of these cute little half aprons available.
Giveaway ends Saturday afternoon at 12:00 PM EST, so you've got plenty of time to help me out!!! Oh, and it's open to all my international friends, too!!! :)