Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thinking Positive +++ !!

Why is it always that when I'm busy, I have so much to blog about, but no time in which to do it?  duh....
Whenever I do get around to doing it, my mind goes somewhat blank and I forget all the little tidbits I wanted to share with you!....*sigh*
Anyway, here I am now, stealing a bit of time in-between busy things - I'll just bore you with my latest construction chatter....
I spent the first half of my morning today finishing up a couple of custom quillow orders in addition to waiting for the delivery of the kitchen appliances for the construction project.  They finally arrived shortly before midday and I packed my lunch and headed to Stumptown to help my DH.
We spent the remainder of the day laying hardwood flooring in the living room.
This picture was taken at 12:46 PM
This one was taken shortly before quitting time at 5 PM.


I like installing hardwood flooring.  I rack and he nails....we've got quite a good system!  It's all less messy than painting - no clean up necessary!!  :)
It's nice to see some progress at times like this.  Most often I'm a very positive person, but there are days when I'm a "glass-is-half-empty" kinda person - especially when it comes to construction.
I look around at the house and see so many things that still need to be done....all the crown moulding, window trim, baseboard....then all that needs to be caulked and the holes puttied, not to mention all the painting that happens after that.
When I think like that, I tend to get depressed so I'm really trying to take one day at a time and focus on what DID get done!!
Last week we DID mostly complete the entertainment center in the living room along with the bookcases in the office.
Before - the blank wall
First, the base cabinets went in
then, the "big boy" is built in the center.
and finally, flanked by two bookcases.
All that remains is some decorative trim and to order doors for the base cabinets.  The two holes at the bottom left are access doors to get into the base of the bathtub in the master bathroom on the other side of the wall.
Btw...whaddya think of our nifty coffered ceiling?  It's our first!

One more positive thing I need to remind myself of - we finally have HEAT in the house and even though it might be set at 63° - it's wonderful!!!!

a beautiful sight!!


Larri said...

Fabulous work! While you were chatting about the hardwood floors, the ceiling caught my eye. It's gorgeous! Wow...I can't even begin to imagine how you do that.

PS...I'm totally digging those overalls. ;o)

Kathleen said...

lots of gorgeous finishes! You rock!

randi said...

my hubs does hardwood for a living,and i must say that you have done a great job!

Shay said...

That ceiling is positively brilliant!

Yep - I find when you're doing a major project it helps a Lot if you can measure your progress and see the results!

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