Hiya folks.....wanna play a game? :)
I finished a new puzzle over the Christmas holiday and just finished gluing it.....can you guess what it is?
I love to do puzzles and then glue them and post them all over my sewing room. It's very easy to do and all you need to buy is the glue which is basically just like Elmer's glue and you can get it at Wal-mart in the craft section. I have a puzzle gluing tutorial here in case you were interested in trying it out yourself.
I seem to be running out of free wall space to put puzzles in my main sewing room, but I've still got another room I can fill up!
So, today is a busy 'domestic' day for me (I probably won't get to do much sewing) as Mom and my two daughters will be here for the weekend. I have mounds of laundry calling my name along with packing up the Christmas tree and taking down decorations. My husband has been extremely sweet and helpful to me this morning....he wiped down the clothesline for me, getting it ready to hang the laundry, then he bounded into my office as I was packing up an order and offered to carry it out to the mailbox for me (gosh, I love it when he reads my mind) and then as I was in my sewing room tidying up a bit, I saw this little surprise just waiting for me....can you guess what it is?
Looks kinda grody doncha think? How about a closer look....can you guess now?
Stay tuned for answers to these burning questions!!!
.....oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
P.S. Etsy Shop Note....
☆ ☆ ☆ 20% Discount COUPON! ~ I've got a HUGE selection of CLEARANCE Items that are READY to SHIP at SUPER LOW PRICES and I'm offering an additional 20% off your order if you purchase AT LEAST one CLEARANCE or READY to SHIP item with your regular or custom order! Use the code CLEAR20 to receive 20% off your TOTAL order but you MUST order at least ONE item from either the CLEARANCE or the READY to SHIP categories!!
CLEARANCE ☆ ~ http://www.etsy.com/shop/Bewbear?section_id=10268236
READY to SHIP ☆ ~ http://www.etsy.com/shop/Bewbear?section_id=10577453
Thank you to all my customers for your support in 2011! I enjoy seeing the pictures of your loved ones wearing my creations! Looking forward to your visits in the new year!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
It Hit Me.
The first was the Christmas spirit in the form of a desire to decorate. That doesn't happen to me anymore so I was taken back just a bit. I spent some time Sunday afternoon putting up my little tree, adding a few little trinket decorations and also some other little Christmas-y things around the living room - poinsettias, stockings and a garland.
My husband napped thru the entire thing and woke up in new surroundings! ha ha....
I've been putting up these same stockings for the past 18 years and I think it might be time for a change. This is a picture from several years ago...
My son's is the light blue one on the right with the snow babies on it....I can't find it this year and I think he might have confiscated it last year in hopes it wouldn't go back up again. It is a bit 'young' for him.....he's 23. So, I'll see if I can find time in the next few days to make some new ones.
The other thing that 'hit' me this weekend was the realization that our oldest daughter is going to be gone for an entire year and it's happening very fast. Too fast for me.
She has raised 100% of her funding needed for her year's stay in Southeast Asia where she will be teaching English. I can't tell you any more than that as it's a Muslim country and we're just supposed to keep quiet on the details for her protection.
My husband and I were having our regular Saturday morning breakfast date in a local diner and I mentioned that Jennifer was going to be leaving in early January. Before I knew it, I was crying. Bill looked at me and asked why my eyes were watering. Then, when he realized I was crying, he asked if I was being hormonal or something... Sheesh! Men!!!
I found out later in the day that she will probably fly out January 7th. I told her that I would mostly likely be a blubbering mess when I had to say good-bye ~ she said she'd bring tissues. (I'll need a truckload!) Oh my, I can't even write about this without getting emotional, but I'm sure that will pass. I have a commitment to myself to send her snail mail at least twice a month. She appreciates a good letter or card and I honestly believe we don't sit down often enough and physically write to our loved ones.
So, anyway....life is moving on and the holiday is coming fast, too. This will be (hopefully) my last super busy week of sewing orders. I miss the years past when I had time and energy to make gifts for friends and family. I normally make gifts at least for my nieces and nephew, but this year they won't be receiving a handmade gift from Aunt Jenn.
That being said, it's time I was heading to the

Friday, December 2, 2011
Dressed to the Nines....
Nine lives, that is! Can you see the kitties on my pants?
It's Friday and I'm dressed comfy because it's going to be a busy-busy day. I spent all day yesterday just cutting and organizing quillow orders that need to be sewn, tied and mailed out for the holiday.
Here's another basketful
I spent several hours just re-organizing my fabric shelves - we'll see how long that lasts!
Anyone wanna buy some fabric? ;) he he he
But, I did find time to finish another puzzle! It's glued and has found a niche on my sewing room walls with the others.
I've also got another ready to go that will be fun to work on thru the holiday season.
Can you tell I like kitties? :) It's my last I have in stash but there's two more in the Connecting Threads magazine that I'll have to put on my wishlist!
We had a unique Thanksgiving this year. After celebrating at home with our kids, my husband, my mother and I drove down to Orlando where my Uncle Hank lives and spent a few days with family that we don't see too often - mom's brother and sister.
My husband and I got a chance to spend more time with Aunt Pat and we really enjoyed it - she's a lot of fun and I wish we lived closer to each other (she lives in D.C.)
Uncle Hank is fabulous in the kitchen and we had a terrific turkey dinner that he served on these beautiful dishes he found at a garage sale!!
The next day we toured the Stetson mansion in Deland, Florida.
Bill and I had fun just 'knocking around' Orlando....doing some shopping, hanging with "the blood", eating, etc....ya know - general lazy stuff - it was a nice break.
But, we're back home now and kicked into high gear to get thru these next few busy-busy weeks..
He's in the final stages of finishing the house project uptown (remember the house we moved?). It's pretty much all done on the outside, even the landscaping, and the inside is currently being painted and all the fixtures being installed so I'm excited to see what it looks like next week. Perhaps I'll even have pictures to show you!
In addition, lots of things are going on in my children's lives now and maybe I'll have time to give you a full update later.
Have a great weekend!!!
It's Friday and I'm dressed comfy because it's going to be a busy-busy day. I spent all day yesterday just cutting and organizing quillow orders that need to be sewn, tied and mailed out for the holiday.
Here's another basketful
I spent several hours just re-organizing my fabric shelves - we'll see how long that lasts!
Anyone wanna buy some fabric? ;) he he he
But, I did find time to finish another puzzle! It's glued and has found a niche on my sewing room walls with the others.
I've also got another ready to go that will be fun to work on thru the holiday season.
Can you tell I like kitties? :) It's my last I have in stash but there's two more in the Connecting Threads magazine that I'll have to put on my wishlist!
We had a unique Thanksgiving this year. After celebrating at home with our kids, my husband, my mother and I drove down to Orlando where my Uncle Hank lives and spent a few days with family that we don't see too often - mom's brother and sister.
My husband and I got a chance to spend more time with Aunt Pat and we really enjoyed it - she's a lot of fun and I wish we lived closer to each other (she lives in D.C.)
She hates that name, but I love it and this is my blog so 'tough beans'!! :)
Uncle Hank is fabulous in the kitchen and we had a terrific turkey dinner that he served on these beautiful dishes he found at a garage sale!!
The next day we toured the Stetson mansion in Deland, Florida.
"The Blood"
Bill and I had fun just 'knocking around' Orlando....doing some shopping, hanging with "the blood", eating, etc....ya know - general lazy stuff - it was a nice break.
But, we're back home now and kicked into high gear to get thru these next few busy-busy weeks..
He's in the final stages of finishing the house project uptown (remember the house we moved?). It's pretty much all done on the outside, even the landscaping, and the inside is currently being painted and all the fixtures being installed so I'm excited to see what it looks like next week. Perhaps I'll even have pictures to show you!
In addition, lots of things are going on in my children's lives now and maybe I'll have time to give you a full update later.
Have a great weekend!!!

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