Monday, December 12, 2011

It Hit Me.

Well, actually 2 "its" hit me this past weekend.

The first was the Christmas spirit in the form of a desire to decorate.  That doesn't happen to me anymore so I was taken back just a bit.  I spent some time Sunday afternoon putting up my little tree, adding a few little trinket decorations and also some other little Christmas-y things around the living room - poinsettias, stockings and a garland.

My husband napped thru the entire thing and woke up in new surroundings! ha ha....

I've been putting up these same stockings for the past 18 years and I think it might be time for a change.  This is a picture from several years ago...

My son's is the light blue one on the right with the snow babies on it....I can't find it this year and I think he might have confiscated it last year in hopes it wouldn't go back up again.  It is a bit 'young' for him.....he's 23.  So, I'll see if I can find time in the next few days to make some new ones.

The other thing that 'hit' me this weekend was the realization that our oldest daughter is going to be gone for an entire year and it's happening very fast.  Too fast for me.

She has raised 100% of her funding needed for her year's stay in Southeast Asia where she will be teaching English.  I can't tell you any more than that as it's a Muslim country and we're just supposed to keep quiet on the details for her protection.

My husband and I were having our regular Saturday morning breakfast date in a local diner and I mentioned that Jennifer was going to be leaving in early January.  Before I knew it, I was crying.  Bill looked at me and asked why my eyes were watering.  Then, when he realized I was crying, he asked if I was being hormonal or something... Sheesh!  Men!!!

I found out later in the day that she will probably fly out January 7th.  I told her that I would mostly likely be a blubbering mess when I had to say good-bye ~ she said she'd bring tissues.  (I'll need a truckload!)  Oh my, I can't even write about this without getting emotional, but I'm sure that will pass.  I have a commitment to myself to send her snail mail at least twice a month.  She appreciates a good letter or card and I honestly believe we don't sit down often enough and physically write to our loved ones.

So, is moving on and the holiday is coming fast, too.  This will be (hopefully) my last super busy week of sewing orders.  I miss the years past when I had time and energy to make gifts for friends and family.  I normally make gifts at least for my nieces and nephew, but this year they won't be receiving a handmade gift from Aunt Jenn.

That being said, it's time I was heading to the salt mines sweat shop sewing room.  Ta-ta!!



Larri said...

Love your Christmas decorations! The 25th is creeping up on me. I have yet to shop. Yikes!

So excited for your daughter. And completely understand your emotional state. Please know you all will be in my prayers.

Hope you catch a sewing break soon! Glad to see you blogging. Happy Monday, dear friend! ☺

Kathleen said...

My heart aches for you. I'm sure you are very proud, but it's so hard to have your child (yes, I know she's an adult - doesn't matter) so far away and out of physical touch. Hang in there!!!

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