Good morning!
It's an absolutely lovely Sunday morning here in Bonetown, with temperatures promised into the 80s in the next day or so!! I was so busy sewing yesterday that I didn't get any laundry done, but today my DH and I will tackle it since it's the perfect day to hang it all out on the clothesline! And then, perhaps a nice bike ride is in order! I wished for some colder weather this past winter as I'm originally from Montana and prefer 'true' winter instead of what we usually get here in South Carolina and I definitely got my wish AND my fill of cold! I'm loving that I live in the South right now!!!
Right now, I'm just sitting here with my little brother, Frankie, reading blogs and enjoying a cup of coffee.
I am so behind on my blogs, as I have close to 400 unread, but I can remedy that with a lazy Sunday!
Things have been extremely busy in so many ways....especially with my Etsy shop. It's only February and I have already sewn more pinafore sets than I did in all of 2010!!!
On top of that, the quillow and nap mat orders started picking up. All this sewing in addition to the work going on at the construction project, which, by the way is officially under contract (amen).
We're in the trim stage at the project and my husband is quite the craftsman and wanted to do some fancy trimwork on this one - employing ideas he's seen in magazines and such.
The headers over the doors and windows are put together piece by piece - not one large piece (although
they probably make them that way, but I'm sure they're extremely pricey) We'll probably finish up the trim work in the next few days and then dive into prepping and's going to take a lot of caulk and putty to cover all these cracks and nail holes!
So, I decided I didn't need the stress which typically causes me to slack in my sewing quality so I made an executive decision and closed the shop for a week. I figured also since it was my birthday on Wednesday that this could be a nice birthday treat for me - a break!! Although, I really won't be taking a break because I have at least 15 - 20 pinafore sets to sew, approximately 10 quillows, one napmat and some alterations for a friend! Phew! I'm not complaining, though....I prayed for some relief from financial burdens and this is what I got!!!
I've felt free to purchase some more fabrics lately and can't wait to 'dig into' them! It feels like forever since I did any quilting! My life has been all about bloomers lately.
Have you ever shopped at Quilt Home? I really love that website - it's super easy to navigate, user friendly and the sales are fabulous. Right now all Tanya Whelan fabrics are 25% off!!! I got me a nice big stack ready to cut into!!
Lovely, right!!?
Some of it went into a special gift for a dear friend.
It's all done, and just waiting for a good press, a few decent pictures and then shipped off to it's new home.
Well, I must go coffee cup is empty! Have a lovely Sunday wherever you are! :)