Some people truly make the blogging world a better place.
Not that it's a terrible place to begin with, but sometimes there are dull spots and even some "wierd" areas/people out there.
But, then came Rae Ann....
I remember when she started blogging several months ago....introduced to blogland by her good friend, Kim, of Bitty Bits and Pieces, who ALSO has a fabulous blog!
Since then, she's been a true bright spot in my blog world! It's always nice to read about Rae Ann's trips to quilting retreats because she brings back tons of wonderful pictures of inspirational quilts!! It's so helpful to read her latest adventure, Stash Manicure, as it affords us plentiful ideas to work with our ever-growing fabric stash!
So, Rae Ann is celebrating her 200th reader today with a giveaway....actually I think she's exceeded that mark since her most recent posting!! :)
Take a trip to her blog, Cutie Pinwheel, and see what's up!
And, Rae Ann....."No... THANK YOU!"
Hi Jenn!
Oh... I about died when I just happened down the list of bloggers on my side bar and saw... WHAT? ME?! How could that be? Why it was me and you are so kind to say all of these wonderful things about me. Thanks so much! You are a dear and one of my BBFF!!!
And Jenn... Can I adopt that cute little picture of the girl with the flower and put it on my side bar. I will put underneath... "A flower from Jenn" and it will be a reminder to me of all you kindness.
Your house is looking great and I must take time to read your post tomorrow. :)
Thanks again!!!
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