Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"Wild" Horses

We woke to wild horses tramping around in our front yard this morning.

 While I was still sleeping Bill said he heard what sounded like thunder and peeked outside to see several horses.  Unfortunately, he didn't wake me up (and I sleep with earplugs) so I missed the good part.
They're probably not wild as there is a horse farm behind our house so that's probably where they got loose from.

By the time I got up, they had meandered across the road in front of our land and were in the neighbor's field.  A police car showed up, drove down the driveway beside our house and the horses followed easily.  I was still in my pajamas and bed head but I managed to catch this shot with my phone of the caravan heading back home.

Oh, and I finished another puzzle, got it glued and up on the wall in my sewing room ~ pretty!  This is partly what inspired my desire to start a hexagon project.

P.S.  Sorry, but I couldn't resist sharing it ALL with you!  :)


1 comment:

Pokey said...

What an image to see those horses in your front yard, no less! My Larry would've been thrilled to see that, too! My luck, I would've stepped in that last pic, lol
Your puzzles are pretty art, Jenn. Just another proof that you and I would enjoy a cup of tea, and visit over the puzzle table...hey, I need to go see Jigzone puzzles again....

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